Python Core Developer Emily Morehouse giving keynote at PyCon Colombia in Medellin

Hi! I'm Emily, Cuttlesoft's Director of Engineering.

I'm located in Denver, CO and I'm a Python Core Developer and help maintain Axios (a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and node.js with over 27 Million downloads a month!). I'm an avid OSS contributor, and constant learner focused on building tools to automate the mundane and shed light on the complexity of the human experience.

I graduated in the summer of 2014 from Florida State University with degrees in Theatre, Criminology, and Computer Science as well as minoring in Mathematics and Psychology (yeah, I was a little busy). Since then I've dabbled in graduate-level courses and dove into open-source contributing while deepening my level of experience with programming and running a business.

My passion is driven by a blend of empathy, strategy, curiosity, and human-centered design. I'm interested in pursuing further research in the realm of programming language theory, particularly formal verification and parallelization, as well as application development with OSS.

If you're interested in learning more about my journey to becoming a Python Core Developer, I've written about it on my personal blog.

I'm looking forward to a very exciting year in 2020. Along with my first international invitation to keynote a conference, I'm thrilled to be taking over as PyCON US Chair in Pittsburgh. Here's where you'll find me in the upcoming new year:

  1. (FEB) PyCon Colombia 2020 - Medellin, Colombia
  2. (MAR) dotPy 2020 - Paris, France
  3. (APR) PyCon US 2020 - Pittsburgh, PA, US

Want to learn more about me and what I'm working on? Contact us for a free consultation and ask for me by name!

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