
Emily’s journey to PyCon Colombia marks her first time not only in South America but also as an international keynote speaker. She expresses her excitement about this milestone, sharing, "It's been a really interesting experience for me...being here feels a lot like home." noting how reminiscent Colombia feels of her upbringing in Florida.

From Theater to Technology: A Unique Blend

The interview touches on Emily’s intriguing background, combining theater and computer science. She recounts her decision to co-found Cuttlesoft, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary skills in the tech industry. "I always sort of had this interest in arts and science," Emily explains, underscoring the innovative outcomes when different fields merge.

Building a Tech Culture: The Cuttlesoft Way

Discussing her journey with Cuttlesoft, Emily highlights the importance of company culture and her gratitude for the freedom to shape it. "We've been able to create a company and a culture that is very much our own," she reflects, emphasizing the advantages of being a small company that values close relationships with employees.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: The Essence of Teamwork and Vision

When asked about her recommendations for those wanting to create a startup, Emily stresses the importance of having a strong support system and a clear vision. "You really need that support system for people who are there to bring forth your idea," she advises, sharing her personal experience of building a business alongside her co-founder and husband. This insight is invaluable for aspiring entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of the startup world.

You really need that support system for people who are there to bring forth your idea.

Championing Women in Tech: Breaking Stereotypes and Encouraging Diversity

A significant part of the interview focuses on the role of women in tech. Emily discusses the critical need for diversity and inclusion, advocating for breaking down stereotypes and amplifying the voices of those traditionally underrepresented in the industry. Her message is clear: embracing diversity is not just about fairness; it’s about enriching the tech landscape with diverse talents and perspectives.

The Warm Welcome of PyCon Colombia and Medellín

Emily shares her heartfelt gratitude towards the PyCon Colombia organizers and the community of Medellín. She describes the city's energy and the enthusiasm for knowledge sharing as "absolutely wonderful." This experience, she notes, has not only been special but also an affirmation of the global Python community's vibrancy and inclusiveness.

Emily Morehouse's first international keynote at PyCon Colombia is a landmark in her career and a source of inspiration for many. Through this interview, we gain insights into her journey, her commitment to diversity in tech, and the impact of cultural exchanges. Her gratitude to the organizers and the Python community of Medellín is a powerful reminder of the importance of supportive and inclusive environments in the tech industry.

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